Fixing Edentulism Complications with Dental Implants

Nearly millions of individuals suffer from teeth loss every day, and most of them are young adults. Two notable causes of this condition are poor oral hygiene and the failure to address it with regular dentist visits. Teeth play a significant role in one’s appearance and health, so lack of it would naturally lead to problems, as facial sagging and deterioration of alveolar bone loss are inevitable. Dental implants are titanium root posts surgically placed on empty sockets, and they fuse with the bone in a few months, enabling a stable and firm base for supporting prosthetic crowns. Thus, it emulates a natural look and feels after edentulism. Reasons to get replacements After losing a tooth, people experience problems with their functioning and appearance. Without prompt intervention, such problems would exacerbate to cause further inconvenience. Dentures are the most common option for replacing dentition, but it comes with several downsides. Furthermore, dentures also affect the ...