Ideal Replacement for Missing Teeth With Innovative Implants

Teeth are one of the critical components of a human body that is essential for a wide range of functions. It supports biting food particles, chewing them for digestion and smiling to communicate emotions. So, when a tooth is lost, it is natural for people to experience detrimental repercussions in all these activities. Teeth loss may also raise concerns over their appearance as well. But, individuals can prevent such occurrences through innovative dental implant replacements that can emulate the natural appearance and functions of a tooth. Other than this, it is also more durable than other similar solutions.

Causes of edentulism

One primary cause of teeth loss is cavities. Food particles that aren’t removed with regular brushing or flossing accumulate on dental arches and develop into bacterial plaques. Such deposits gradually erode enamel and ultimately results in decayed dentin. While such cases impose chronic pain, dentists will extract those decayed teeth to prevent the cavities from spreading into adjacent features.

A knocked-out tooth is primarily caused by accidents or injuries. Heavy physical blows can impact the natural dentition arrangement and cause it to detach from its root socket. Individuals who engage in contact sports or recreational activities are prone to such conditions. Even though prompt treatments can help to fix these cases, any delayed response is dangerous.

Apart from cavities and injuries, gum disease can also lead to edentulism. Ailments like gingivitis or periodontal diseases are detrimental to oral health. Any untreated plaques harden into calculus and affect gumlines. It eventually reaches the bone structures that supports dentition, so edentulism is caused.

Treatment process

Patients experiencing these conditions should consult with dentists who specialize in implant placements. The initial consultation involves assessing a condition using traditional and digital diagnostic methods. Practitioners typically use X-rays and digital scans to gain a comprehensive view of dentition structures. Next, they will check if that patient has adequate bone density to support a fixture.

If a lack of adequate volume is found, dentists might suggest performing a bone graft surgery. This resection involves placing a graft material to regenerate new and stable structure. It takes several months for it to regenerate and after this, patients undergo another consultation. Practitioners will take a mold impression and transfer it to dental labs for accurate fabrication of restoration crowns.

On a surgery day, they will utilize a handheld drilling tool and create several holes. This aperture serves as a socket for titanium root replacement. Once properly placed, they will seal the wound and allow for healing. Osseointegration is a period of three to six months that helps a titanium root to bond with the natural bone structure. This fusion is critical for other steps.

After complete healing, dentists reopen a wound and fix abutments. It is a screw-like part which holds root fixtures and dental crowns together. After complete healing, the final phase of this surgery involves placing replacement teeth. These are accurately fabricated to match the colour and profile of a lost tooth.


Patients may experience some level of inflammation and swelling after this procedure, but these are only transient. Individuals can alleviate their pain through prescribed counter medications or antibiotics. It is essential to follow regular brushing and flossing. There are specialised intraoral brushes available to clean the metal parts of implants. People should also ensure routine dental checkups, as it helps practitioners examine the progress of restorations. If proper care is assured, implants can also for several years devoid of any failures or cracks. Even if damaged, they can get a new set with improved features.


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